June Fox


June grew up in Cambridgeshire and at the age of seven had her first contact with horses, which led to a lifelong love affair with this animal. She has always been passionate about animals – domestic or wild, and has tried to convey this feeling in her paintings. She is a staunch supporter and member of the RSPCA

Now living in Cheshire, June paints all kinds of animals and her main aim is to convey their beauty, strength and colour. Some paintings are realistic in their presentation, whilst in others she strays away from photorealism, attempting to catch the essence of the animal – be it power, grace or vulnerability

June joined the SEA as a friend in April 2008. She is also a member of the Society of Feline Artists and a Founder Member of Animal EARTh

Exhibitions include: Mall Galleries, London with SEA; Palace House Newmarket with SEA; Llewellyn Alexander Gallery, London with the Society of Feline Artists; National Exhibition of Wildlife Art (2002 – 2009): Cheshire Wildlife Trust – Wildlife Expo (Since 2002): Deeside Art Group (Prize winner 2006 and Public Vote 2008and 2009): Grosvenor Art Society, Chester (First prize 2008)

email:foxeslair@btinternet.com – web:www.junefoxart.co.uk


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