Subscription Renewals & Promotion

You can renew your existing membership here using PayPal or your credit/debit card. If however you would prefer to pay via bacs please contact the Administrator for the our bank details
Have you been a member for a while and feel you would like to seek promotion? If so take a minute to look at the current details.
Promotion from Friend to Associate Member
Promotion from Friend to Associate (ASEA) is through a promotion panel. We expect you to have an exhibiting record and to have had work selected for the Horse in Art exhibition. Your work will normally be assessed at the Horse in Art by Full Members. For more details please contact the Promotions Secretary Sian
Promotion from Associate to Full Member
- Those members of the Society whose work demonstrates an outstanding level of artistic achievement may be elected Full Members of the Society. In judging candidates full account will be taken of their performance and reputation beyond the Society.
- In order that their work may be judged by Full Members the candidates must have at least two works accepted for the main annual exhibition in two years of a three year period.
- The Promotions Secretary and panel, who, if satisfied with their candidacy, will then invite them to put forward a portfolio for consideration at a venue – to be decided – to be assessed by those Full Members who are present and a 66% YES vote will be required to determine promotion. A minimum of ten Full members present is the target. The Full Members aim to take into account the work done by the artists outside the Society, their record and their reputation.
- The portfolio at the Horse in Art Exhibition Private View, or Annual General Meeting will be assessed by those Full Members who are present and a 66% YES vote will be required to determine promotion. A minimum of ten Full members present is the target.
If successful, those elected will receive a certificate and be entitled to use SEA after their name.
NB: For a Friend or Associate to have their exhibition record count towards promotion, they must have paid all their subscriptions in full for the qualifying period.
PORTFOLIOS (Associate Member to Full Member)
- Portfolios will be assessed at the Annual General Meeting by those Full members present and a 66% YES vote is required to determine promotion.
- Although there is no requirement to submit working drawings, Promotion Panels do find these helpful and those seeking promotion are encouraged to submit such drawings, if made.
- There should be three or four completed paintings, which need not necessarily be framed.
- Works should have been completed during the last two years and not have been included in the Society’s Exhibitions.
- There should be a minimum of three pieces of finished work together with one or two maquettes.
- Sculpture should have been completed within the last three years and not to have been included in the Society’s Exhibitions.