Reg. Charity N0.294729
Amendment Record | |
9 November 1991 | Agreed by Resolution of the Society’s Executive Committee |
7 January 2004 | Para 9 amended by Resolution of the Society’s Executive Committee |
19 Apr 2009 | Para 9 amended at the SEA AGM |
6 Sep 2009 | Para 2 amended by Resolution of the Society’s Executive Committee |
26 July 2020 | Para 11 and Para 19 of the Constitution were amended at the SEA AGM |
Note: These Bye-Laws are made under article 15 of the Society’s Articles of Association, which provides that the Executive Committee shall have power to make Bye-Laws not inconsistent with the constitution. They apply to all members of the Society and are available to any person requesting a copy.
1. Chairmanship of the Committee of Management (known as the Executive Committee)
The Chairman of the Committee of Management shall be the Chairman of the Society, following election at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Article 5(iii).
2. Honorary Members
The Committee shall be responsible for the election of any Honorary Members of the Society who shall be re-elected every three years and shall have such rights and privileges as may be stipulated for the class of membership granted including voting rights. (Para amended September 2009)
3. Exhibitions and Competitions
(i) The Committee of Management shall be responsible for drawing up the rules of exhibitions and/or competitions of the Society. These shall be circulated at the appropriate time to all members eligible to enter work.
(ii) The Committee of Management shall approve all venues, terms and conditions for all exhibitions and competitions.
4. Entrance Fees and Subscriptions
The Committee of Management shall fix and review annually all entrance fees, subscriptions and commission rates.
5. Sub-Committees
Any sub-committee or other subsidiary body of the Committee of Management appointed under clause 15 of the Constitution shall have powers of co-option. Such bodies shall have no power to commit expenditure unless specifically authorized by the Committee of Management. Their terms of reference shall be determined by the Committee of Management and any co-options to membership shall be subject to approval by that Committee.
6. Remuneration of the Secretary
The Committee shall at their discretion review the remuneration, if any, of the Secretary.
7. Banking and Finance
(i) The Committee shall approve the opening of all banking accounts into which the funds of the Society are to be placed and shall pass resolutions as to the signatories required on these accounts, and the Secretary shall inform the Bank accordingly.
(ii) The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are empowered, on the basis of any two acting jointly, to pay out moneys in accordance with resolutions made from time to time by the Committee of Management.
8. Payment of Subscriptions
Membership of the Society shall be automatically terminated in the case of any member whose subscription remains unpaid for eight months after the due date. On re-joining, the said member shall be liable for any entrance fee as is in force at the time.
9. Commission
(i) All artists selling their work at or in consequence of the Society’s exhibitions or activities or obtaining commissions through the introduction of the Society shall be liable for the appropriate rate of commission on the total amount received in respect of such sale or commissioned work, in accordance with the scales of commission laid down and published by the Committee of Management. These are:
For Society Exhibitions and Collections – 35 per cent of the catalogue price (excluding VAT and casting costs for sculptures) on each and every work sold. Any variations in this figure for any Exhibition or Collection shall be agreed by the Exec Ctte before the event. (para amended 2006)
For works privately commissioned through the Society: Where the initial introduction has been made by the Society but where the Society has taken no part in the negotiations or arrangements, the Society will no longer charge 15 per cent commission on the total amount received, however voluntary donations to the Societies funds will be accepted. (Para amended AGM 2009).
(ii) All fees and catalogue prices quoted by the Society or by individual members shall be deemed to include the scale commission specified in these Bye-Laws
10. Promotion of Members
The Full Members of the Society shall meet together once annually for the purpose of considering the advancement of Friends or Associate Members in accordance with the Society’s current promotions procedures. Such meeting shall be called by the Secretary or other person acting as promotions secretary.
11. Friends of the Society
Any person interested in equestrian art, whether as an artist or not, may become a Friend of the Society on completion of the prescribed application form and payment of the required subscription.
12. The Society’s News Sheet
(i) There shall be a statement in each edition of the Society’s News Sheet to the effect that the material in individual contributions or in advertisements does not necessarily reflect the views, or enjoy the support, of Society;
(ii) The Editor shall consult with the Chairman on any editorial material which conflicts with the views of the Committee of Management.
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